Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tie-Dye Cookies

These aren't the chocolate chip variety, but I figured it would be apropos to start this blog off with baking- cookies, specifically. Today was the upsherin of Big Guy Jr., but more on that later. I enjoy coming up with activities to do with my kids, especially ones where we can get creative, and I have endless ideas and good intentions. However, many of these ideas include preparation, or lots of supplies that I would need to buy (especially in our current post-move situation), or time or space or other factors that I don't have. But baking is something I can always do, and there are many recipes or variations of recipes that are fun and creative. And as you know, or you'll find out, I enjoy baking as well as coming up with projects, so that's always a possible option.

So the morning of these cookies I was thinking of what to do with the kids in the afternoon, but of course there was no major project that I was prepared for. In addition, it was Thursday and I thought it would be nice to have some home baked dessert for Shabbos, so my Mommy head was trying to figure out how I would keep two full-of-energy boys busy while I baked, when it hit me: Baking IS a kids' activity. (I believe in it, like I said before, but sometimes I forget.)

I've seen these tie-die cookies before, but all my cookbooks are still packed away in boxes, so I kind of had to improvise - not that hard because it's pretty basic. I took a regular sugar cookie recipe, divided it into 3 bowls (yes, I have 3 bowls, believe it or not), and added food coloring. The boys had such a fun time mixing the colors, and they really felt like they were playing with play dough. I wasn't sure how this would come out, but it was great in the end, and they even tasted good. The challenge I had was letting go and allowing the boys to have fun without intruding too much on their creativity. I had an image of how I expected these to turn out, but they did their own thing. Also, I had to relax and bre-e-e-a-the when they kept sneaking bits of dough into their mouths, and tell myself over and over that this is for them to have fun!

Even Little Sis joined in the fun! (but not the eating- she's too hesitant of new things for that).

The final product. I know, I know, they don't look so bad... that's because these are the ones I made. The ones the kids made... well... they just didn't get photographed!

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